Obtaining filming permits is never an easy task. Legislative procedure, government offices and understanding the nooks of law can be tricky. The process is complicated enough, but imagine doing it in a foreign country. This is where organizations such as Split-Dalmatia Film Office can be “the light at the end of a tunnel”. Find out what sort of procedures the Mamma Mia 2 film crew had to go through before obtaining a filming permit.
Croatia has truly become a filming destination. There are several mandatory procedures that all filmmakers must follow. To ease filming in Croatia follow our tips and let us guide you through the process.
If you are a foreign citizen and wish to film in Croatia, you can do so based on the issued residence and work permit or based on a work registration certificate.
Under the provisions of the Law on Audiovisual Activities NN 61/2018, all productions filmed in Croatia must report the recording to the Croatian Audiovisual Center no later than 8 (eight) days before the start of the recording of the audiovisual work, i.e. no later than 3 (three) days before the start of filming of a promotional video. Depending on the filming needs, the steps that need to be considered are location permits, permission to film with an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone), filming on the maritime property, previously mentioned work permits for foreign nationals, visas, and customs regulations, especially for the temporary import of professional equipment.
Following the requirements for filming on the islands, obtaining concession permits for filming on maritime property is especially important. The Regulation for the procedure of granting concession approval on maritime property (Official Gazette 36/2004, 63/2008, 133/2013, 63/2014) states the activities for which concession approval can be granted, the procedure for granting concession approval, and the amount of the fee for granting concession approval for, among others, filming on the maritime property. The request is submitted to the Council in charge of granting concession approval through the city/municipality.
Due to our expertise and experience in the procedures for filming in Dalmatia, we can navigate you through the process. Contact us, and we will make the process easier. We can facilitate in many different ways and be your intermediate for various activites.
Useful links:
- E-application for approval of aerial photography (link https://snimanje-iz-zraka.dgu.hr/)
- Regulation on the procedure for granting concession approval on maritime property and the request for approval https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2004_03_36_916.html
- Before the filming starts, the producer must submit it to the Croatian Audiovisual Center (HAVC) eight days before the start of the recording.
- Information on the residence and work permit, work registration certificate, and application form are available at https://mup.gov.hr/
- Find more detailed information about the visa system on the website https://mvep.gov.hr/informacije-za-gradjane-244593/konzularne-informacije-22730/vize-22733/pregled-viznog-sustava/22853
- Customs administration: https://carina.gov.hr/
- Entry of professional equipment into the customs territory of the Republic of Croatia based on the ATA carnet form issued by .https://www.hgk.hr/ata-karnet